Cleverly Puzzles Adventures
Cleverly puzzles are fun to solve because they require imagination, ingenuity, and sometimes thinking outside the box. A lot of the time, these puzzles have clever turns, answers that come as a surprise, and cleverly hidden hints that keep people guessing. Smart puzzles keep you thinking and make you curious and excited, whether you’re trying to figure out a secret riddle, open a tricky puzzle box, or get through a maze of tricky traps.
People who solve cleverly puzzles are more likely to think outside the box and look at situations from different points of view. Critical thought, problem-solving, and the ability to adapt are all skills that are helped by it. Also, figuring out hard puzzles gives you a great sense of success and makes you appreciate the art of puzzle-making even more. You can enjoy clever puzzles by yourself as a fun mental challenge or with family and friends for a fun and interactive experience. They take you on an exciting journey of discovery and delight.
Table of Contents
Choose a door
Choose a door. Princess Moana was trapped inside a castle. there are few doors in front of princess but only door number 4 is the escape door and dangerous animals are hiding behind the other doors. which door should princess choose.

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Answer and Explanation
Answer of the above puzzle is:
As it is mentioned in the puzzle that door number 4 is the escape door, but there are only 3 doors in front of you, So if you look closely, there are some pattern on the door, Those pattern are just numbers which are made by mirroring the same numbers
Lets say door 1: number 4 is written on the “Door 1” if you mirror the number 4 and combine them it will create a pattern similar to the pattern on “Door 1”.
So similarly in “Door 2” number 7 is written
and in “Door 3” number 2 is written
So “Door 1” is actually the escape door, hope it clears everything.
Find the treasure
Find the treasure. Dani was looking for some equipment’s in his late father’s room but he found a note which was left by his father. Note read: I hid all my money and other valuables at 2Pm sharp under my favorite cherry tree, right where its shadow ends. The one who digs it out will be my heir. Dani waited for 2PM and went to dig the valuables, but after digging he couldn’t find anything. He was confused, why didn’t he find anything.

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Answer and Explanation
Answer of the above puzzle is:
It is mentioned in the puzzle that his father died 6 years ago, which means the height of the tree must have increased a lot in past 6 years and it is also mentioned in the puzzle that his father has hidden the money, right where its shadow ends. as the height of the tree increased, the shadow of the tree will not be at the same place as 6 years before. So, in conclusion treasure was there but Dani was digging at the wrong place, hope it clears everything.
Also read: Puzzle Master: Path to Excellence