World of Cognitive Puzzles
Cognitive puzzles are intended to improve mental skills including memory, focus, logical thinking, and problem-solving by stimulating the brain. Brain teasers, logic puzzles, memory games, and pattern recognition tests are just a few of their many varieties. Cognitive puzzles are frequently used as mental workouts to maintain mental acuity, enhance concentration, and develop cognitive abilities that are useful for daily tasks. They are appropriate for all ages and provide an enjoyable and healthy approach to stimulate the brain. They can be as simple as puzzles or as complex as challenges that demand intense focus and critical thinking.
Table of Contents
Who crash the car?
Mr John called the police he said someone had taken his car for a joyride crashed it into a street light and ran away the man was sure it had been one of his neighbors the police questioned three of them.
Ivy answered she’d been at work and arrived home only in the evening.
Cameron told the police he’d been helping his dad remove old stuff from the attic.
Aaron claimed he’d been hanging out with his friends eating pizza and watching the latest series. After listening to all the suspects the police officers arrested one of them who was it?

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It was Cameron there’s no Attic in his house he invented the whole story.
How is it possible?
Two daughters and two mothers went out to a cafe each of them ate a slice of pizza but strangely only three slices were eaten how come?

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These ladies are a grandmother a mother and a daughter two of them are moms and two are daughters.
How did she knew?
Mark told his wife he was going on a business trip to Canada and asked her to pack his bag for him it was winter so his wife packed a pair of very warm socks a scarf and a knitted hat for Mark when Mark came back he said that his business trip was successful then he asked his wife why she hadn’t put his toothbrush and toothpaste in his suitcase the woman immediately understood that her husband was lying about going on a business trip how did she figure it out?

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She put his toothbrush and toothpaste under the scarf hat and warm socks if he didn’t take them out of his bag it probably wasn’t very cold outside which means that most likely he was not in Canada.
Choose a candidate
David’s company develops apps for smartphones right now he’s looking for a designer he’s got hundreds of resumes but he’s chosen just three of them.
Angela’s resume says I’m 23 years old I don’t have a lot of experience but I’m a fast learner and have already designed similar applications.
Helen wrote in her resume I’m 26 and have four years of work experience you should hire me because I’ve created lots of tick-tock stories that have gone viral.
Eric’s resume claims he’s 28 years old with seven years of work experience he’s designed tons of apps and he’s been working for Google since the company was launched.
David can only hire one person but it’s okay because one applicant hasn’t lied in their resume
who is it?

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Eric has just seven years of work experience but Google was officially launched in 1998. there are no stories on Tick Tock meaning Helen couldn’t create them David hired Angela even though she hasn’t been working for a long time she’s honest and has a nice portfolio.
Find the heavy ball?
One out of nine identical balls is heavier than the others how can you figure out which one it is after just two weighing?

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You need to divide all the balls into three groups and weigh two of them that’s how you can figure out which group contains the heavy ball after that you should pick two balls from the heaviest group weigh one against the other and you’ll understand which ball of the three is the heaviest.
Guess the height?
There is a boat with a ladder attached to it this ladder is 8 ft long if the water rises 4 ft how much of the ladder will remain over the surface of the water?

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Still 8 ft the rising water will lift the boat and the ladder is attached to the vessel.
Who stole notes?
It was a rainy midnight and Scarlet was studying late in her College library since the hardest exam of the term was 2 days away at some point she left to go to the bathroom and also grab a snack from a vending machine when she returned she noticed that some of her notes went missing oh no apart from the library there were just three more people in the library at that hour so she asked them about the notes.
The first student said I don’t steal I worry about Karma.
The second student said I went for a walk outside to clear up my head.
The third one said I was studying I don’t know anything.
Who do you think knows something about Scarlet’s notes?

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It’s the second student he said he took a walk outside but it was raining if he really did that he’d be all wet but he’s not.
Who arrived last?
Melissa met her guests who came to her birthday party Katherine came before Bob Aaron and after Rayman Bob arrived before Rayman and Timothy came after Aaron which guest arrived last?

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Timothy was the last one to come.
Guess the birth date?
A man is thinking about how fast his life is flying by the day before yesterday I was 34 and the next year I’ll be 37. the man hasn’t made any mistakes in his calculations
Can you guess what day his birthday is?

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Man’s birthday is on December 31st he’s thinking about it on January 1st the day before his birthday he was 34. the next day he turned 35. a new year started the next day and that year he’s going to turn 36 and he will be 37 the following year.
Why call the police?
Adam was driving home late at night when he noticed he was about to run out of gas he stopped at a gas station to fill his gas tank and buy some snacks inside there was a cashier and another customer dressed in black when Adam came up to the employee to pay she told him 505 Adam paid went outside and called the police to report an emergency why did he do it?

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The cash registered showed 1835 but the cashier said 505 which looks like SOS.
Choose a door?
One wizard makes his prisoners choose between two doors behind one of them there’s an unfriendly Dragon behind the other a chest with gold pick the right door and you’ll become a rich person and will be allowed to leave the castle but if it’s the wrong door Well you aren’t likely to survive there are two signs on the doors one always lies the other is truthful on the first door it’s written the treasure is here the dragon is in the Next Room the other sign says the treasure and the dragon aren’t in the same room where is the gold?

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The chest with the treasure is in the second row the second statement is true which means the first one is false.
Three words question
Cassie meets triplets Sienna Gemma and Emma Emma borrows twenty dollars from Cassie the next morning Cassie meets one of the triplets in the lobby but they’re so identical that Cassie can’t distinguish them we know for sure that Sienna always tells the truth while Gemma and Emma always lie what three-word question should Cassie ask in order to get back her twenty dollars?

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The correct question is are you Gemma Sienna who only speaks the truth would say no Gemma who always lies would also say no and Emma would say yes because she’s a liar therefore if the answer is yes Cassie can demand her money and if the answer is no Cassie can ask Sienna or Gemma to remind Emma about her money.
Pick one glass only
Look at these six glasses the first three are filled with water while the other three are empty how can you arrange them so that they alternate in a full empty full pattern if you can only move one glass?

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Pick up the second glass and pour the water into the fifth one here you go.
What’s the hat color
Dennis Maria and Julie were at a party they decided to play a game there were five hats two red ones and three yellow ones the friends closed their eyes took random hats and put them on their heads then they opened their eyes and looked at one another each of them had to guess what color the Hat on their head was Dennis and Julie said they didn’t know but Maria exclaimed that she knew the color of her hat what color was

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It was yellow Maria saw that Dennis and Julie were wearing red hats and she knew there were only two of those.
Also Read – Powerful Puzzles Challenging the Mind.