The Charm of Rapid Puzzles
Rapid puzzles are short problems that are often hard and need quick thinking and smart reasoning to solve. These puzzles usually come in the form of short questions or statements that hide something. They require quick thinking and the ability to see things from different angles. It’s easy to get your mind working with them, and they can be fun as well as help you get better at handling problems quickly. People like to use rapid puzzles in casual settings, in school, and online. They are a fun and interesting way to test your intelligence and imagination.
Table of Contents
Who’s smuggler?
Police noticed that there was a new drug smuggler in town. Three people were under suspicion: Carl, an ambulance driver, Peterson, a fire truck driver, and Levi, a school bus driver. All three claim to have been occupied with their work since the early hours of the morning. Can you identify the smuggler?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, look at the car Carl drives on such vehicles the word ambulance is normally written backward it’s done so that other drivers can instantly read the inverted word in their rearview mirrors.
Which neighbour attack?
Mark was attacked in his room and taken to the hospital. Four people, all of whom are Oliver’s neighbours, are being suspected.
Hannah said she had been drawing in the studio and hadn’t heard anything.
Celia said she had been walking in the park since early morning.
Mark said he had been fixing his car.
Cassandra said she had been taking a bath for three hours.
Take a look at their hands and try to figure out who’s lying.

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, the correct answer is Cassandra’s hands and fingers don’t have wrinkles, as Hannah and Celia could be wearing gloves.
Final question?
You don’t have them when you’re born but you get them later in several years, you don’t have them anymore but then they come again, but in a different form many years later they might leave you again what are they?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, the correct answer is your teeth.
Pregnant lady?
Three people are hiding in bathroom stalls. Try to figure out who is a pregnant woman?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, it’s the one wearing the untied sneakers it’s often difficult for pregnant women to bend over to lace up their footwear.
Who’s the driver?
Emma had been wanting her own car for a long time and finally got it. She was so excited that she went for a drive right away. She was a careful driver who never broke the traffic rules, but all of a sudden she heard a loud screech and was pushed forward. When she got over her shock, she saw a red car driving off into the distance. It was a hit-and-run. Emma was very angry and in a bad mood, but she kept going on her way. Ten minutes later, she saw the same red car parked near a cafe. She ran inside and saw three people there. Emma immediately realizes who had hit her car. How did Emma knew?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, it was the woman in the middle, the two other visitors are already eating but she’s still looking through the menu.
Painting thief?
Before going to work, detective heard screams coming from his neighbor’s house. He rushed there but the door was locked and the detective had to kick it many times to get it open. He found his neighbor, Miss Smith, tied to a chair in the living room. she said “Oh I’m so happy! You heard me shouting! An hour ago a man knocked on my door and said he was an electrician, but as soon as I let him in he tied me up and took all the priceless paintings I got from my grandfather, and then he just ran away leaving me here!” Detective had to arrest the woman for staging the theft. Why?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, when the detective tried to get into the house the door was locked from the inside who could do it if Miss Anderson was tied up and the thief ran out of the house in a hurry.
Painting robbery?
During the show, the owner of a well-known gallery found that four of the most expensive flower paintings had been stolen. The cops arrived to look into it, and now there are three suspects. Kelly, the artist, said she went into one of the studios to paint. Robert, the security guard, said he was just waiting outside and didn’t know the flower paintings were gone. Patrik, the caterer, said he didn’t know about the theft until the cops showed up. Who stole the paintings?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above picture, it’s the security guard who couldn’t have known which paintings were stolen if he was standing outside.
Also read: Instant Puzzles: Quick Fun for Sharp Minds