Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

Benefits of Easy Puzzles

Brain teasers and other mental tasks can be hard at first, but easy puzzles are a great way to ease into them. These puzzles are easy enough for people of all ages to enjoy, which makes them great for beginners or people who want a quick brain workout. Simple tasks like crosswords, word searches, and jigsaws can help you remember things, focus, and solve problems without getting frustrating. They make you feel good when you’re done and can be a fun and relaxing way to pass the time. Easy puzzles can keep your mind busy and sharp, and they’re a great way to take a break from doing the same things over and over again.

Which family is poor

Which family is poor. two family are going on a vacation, your task is to identify which family is poor.

Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of the above puzzle is : Family A
As you can see that family B have stickers of different countries on their bags, they must have travelled all those countries, so they have travelled more country than the family A, hope it clears everything.

Find the error

Find the error?. Your task is to identify, what’s wrong in this image, only people with sharp observation skills can solve this in 10 seconds.

Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of the above puzzle is : Colors of the rainbow are not right, There are two stripes of red color. hope it clears everything.

Who is prison escapee

Which couple is real. Watch this image carefully and identify who among them is actually a couple, only people with sharp observation skills can solve this.

Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of the above puzzle is : A
If you look closely, Couple A have similar tattoo in their left leg, so they are real couple, hope it clears everything.

Who is prison escapee

Who is prison escapee. Town is in a high alert after a men broke out from the prison but police got the information that he is in a cafe, your task is to identify who is the prison escapee among three of the men shown in the image.

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of the above puzzle is : C
If you look closely, Guy C have cuff in his hands, which he is trying to hide under his coat but it is slightly visible, hope it clears everything.

Also read: Mind Puzzles: Keep Your Brain Sharp

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