Benefits of Easy Puzzles
Easy puzzles are a great way to keep your mind active without feeling overwhelmed. They provide a modest mental workout that helps to improve problem-solving and cognitive abilities. These easy puzzles are appropriate for all ages, making them an excellent choice for family bonding or alone leisure. They frequently serve as a fun and accessible gateway to more difficult problems, boosting confidence and promoting further study of puzzle activities. Furthermore, solving easy puzzles can provide a rapid sense of satisfaction while lowering stress and encouraging a happy attitude. Overall, easy puzzles are a fun and helpful pastime.
Table of Contents
who ordered pizza?
which woman ordered the pizza?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above puzzle Girl A ordered pizza, you can see a menu in front of her table.
Spot the killer?
Spot the killer? after killing the owner, the killer is hiding inside the house can you spot the killer in the picture?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above picture, in the above picture the killer is hiding inside the fireplace, you can spot his hand.
Who is the superhero?
Who is the superhero. After grocery shopping, some people are standing at a counter to pay the bill, but one of them is a superhero can you identify who among them is the superhero?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above picture, first person has a Spiderman mask and the third person has a Thor hammer, so the person in the middle is the superhero, he is in disguise.
Who is a wanted criminal?
Who is a wanted criminal. A Sheriff caught three cowboys, but only one of them is a wanted criminal, is it cowboy A, cowboy B, or cowboy C?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above picture, Person A is the wanted criminal, his face matches the person on the wanted poster in the background.
Identify his girlfriend?
Identify his girlfriend. Some friends are going on a bicycle trip, but one of the girls is the guy’s girlfriend, can you find the girlfriend of the guy?

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Answer and Explanation
The answer to this puzzle is Girl B, girl A, and Girl B have their helmets and bicycles, so Girl B is his girlfriend.
Which mom is rich?
Which mom is rich. Two moms went out on a walk with their babies, but one of the mom is rich, is it mom A or mom B?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above picture, mom B is rich because mom A has bought the stroller from the sale.
Who will die first
Who will die first. Two people are stuck in the extreme dangerous environment, your task is to determine who will die first.

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Answer and Explanation
Answer of the above puzzle is: B
B will die first, because B doesn’t have any other resources all she can do is wait, on the other hand dessert is also dangerous but there are plenty of resources available on the land, so A have more chances of surviving.
Where would you shoot?
Where would you shoot? Ronaldo is about to take a free kick, but if you are in the position of Ronaldo then where will you shoot?

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Ronaldo is famous for his freekicks, He can easily shoot over the wall as well, But its totally upto the player where he can shoot confidently and score, so let us know in the comments, which place will you choose and why.
Who is the kidnapper?
Who is the kidnapper? Two women just gave birth but one of them is not the mother of the child, she is trying to kidnap the kid, is it woman A or woman B?

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The answer in the above picture, person B is the kidnapper as you can see, she is wearing heels.
Who will escape?
Who will escape? Police have caught the two criminals but one of them is about to escape, can you tell who. Is it criminal A or criminal B?

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The answer in the above picture, person A is going to escape, as you can see there is an iron rod missing behind the curtain.
Who is more stupid?
Who is more stupid? There are two parents bathing their children, identify who is more stupid.

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Answer and Explanation
The answer in the above picture, person B is more stupid, he is putting the baby in the pool without a safety suit.
Identify the Kidnapper
Identify the Kidnapper. some people have been kidnapped but kidnapper is sitting with them in disguise, is guy A, guy B or guy C. I am starting the timer.

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Answer and Explanation
The answer in the above picture, person C is the kidnapper because the other two people haven’t shaved and grown beards.
Also read: Intense Puzzles: Enhancing Focus