Tricky Puzzles: Think Outside the Box

Tricky Puzzles: Think Outside the Box

Challenge of Tricky Puzzles

Putting together tricky puzzles is supposed to make you think and test your ability to solve problems. Not like simple puzzles, they often need creative thought and a good eye for details. Tricky puzzles include riddles, brain teasers, logic problems, and optical illusions, among others. They are great for improving memory, cognitive skills, and mental sharpness. The act of figuring out difficult tasks can be enjoyable and satisfying. Individuals who like to be challenged and think outside the box will love them. Adding difficult puzzles to your daily routine can help keep your mind sharp and active, and they can also be a nice break from the average.

Who will not die

Who will not die. It is a test of survival. your task is to identify who will survive. only people with great survival skills can solve this.

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of this puzzle is: Answer of this puzzle is: There is no specific answer of this puzzle, it totally depends on the person’s POV. But as you can see the girl clearly have highest chances of surviving, if someone have logical answer of this puzzle, let us know in the comments of the video.

Who is married

Who is married. There are Two men sitting on a couch and reading newspaper, your task is to identify who among them is married. is it men A or men B.

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of this puzzle is: Guy B.

As you can see that there are two pair of flip flops in the room of guy B, which means there are atleast two people living in the house, hope it clears everything.

Who will die first

Who will die first. Its a battle between arrow and gun, who do you think will win

Tricky Puzzles: Think Outside the Box

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of this puzzle is: There is no specific answer of this puzzle, it totally depends on the person and their skills. But if someone have logical answer of this puzzle, let us know in the comments of the video.

Who has 3 partner

Who has 3 partner. Two beautiful women are standing in front of you, but one of them have more than 3 partners, is it women A or women B. I am starting the timer.

Tricky Puzzles: Think Outside the Box

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of this puzzle is: B
As you can see the women B have 3 different gift boxes in her fridge, She might have received them from her 3 different partners. hope it clears everything.

Who is not human

Who is not human. Three guys are having fun in water, but one of them is not a human, your task is to identify who is not human.

Tricky Puzzles: Think Outside the Box

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Answer and Explanation

Answer of this puzzle is: A
If you closely watch the hands of the guy A, he got webbed hands, merman and mermaids usually have webbed hands, hope it clears everything.

Also see: Easy Puzzles: Beginner-Friendly Brain Teasers

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