The World of Powerful Puzzles
Powerful puzzles are problems that are hard and make you think. They are meant to use your deep brain skills and critical thinking. These puzzles are harder to solve because they take more time, attention, and a higher level of reasoning. They can be very hard logic tasks like advanced Sudoku or very hard riddles and strategy games. Powerful puzzles aren’t just about finding the answer; they push the person who solves them to try new things, think differently, and come up with new ways to solve problems. Puzzle fans who want a more intense and rewarding brain experience like them. When they are solved, they often make people feel better about what they have done.
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Police arrested him why?
Pat and James were friends living in the same college dorm. one day Pat reported that something had happened to his friend. he said James hadn’t left his room all day, he also never responded to any of Pat’s texts. In the evening Pat started to worry and knocked on James’s door but the guy didn’t answer. Pat peeked through the keyhole and saw that his friend was lying on the floor so he called the police after that. Pat got arrested why?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, Pat has a bandage on his right eye but the keyhole is located in such a way that it’s only possible to look inside with the right eye it means the guy couldn’t do it he simply knew what had happened.
Is daughter lying?
Mrs Smith, who was having a day off with her friends. She came back home in the middle of the day to change her clothes. There, she found out that her daughter Kelly who she grounded wasn’t at home. Mrs smith got angry and texted Kelly asking where she was. Kelly texted her back saying she was at school. The girl even attached a picture of the classroom. Mrs Smith didn’t believe her daughter and told her to come home immediately. How did she understand Kelly wasn’t at school?

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In the above riddle, look closely at her cell phone it’s Sunday there’s no school on Sundays.
Who’s the killer?
One day, Alice and Ricky went to a party. they left little Sandra at home. when they came back, they found Sandra dead in her room. the suspects are: a maid, babysitter, and cook.
maid said: I went to the store to get a new jar as the water dispenser was empty.
The babysitter said: I was preparing Sandra’s dress for the next day.
cook said: I was cooking dinner for Sandra.
who killed the girl?

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In the above riddle, the maid did it. She claims she went to the store because the water dispenser was empty. however, the bank was full when the parents left.
Which boy is it?
On a rainy summer night, Mrs. Jones came home after work. Her neighbor Mrs. Brown visited her, the women wanted to have some tea together. Mrs Brown said her daughter was at a party and she met one of Mrs. Jones’s triplet sons there, Mrs. Jones asked which one it was but her friend didn’t know. her daughter could never tell the guys apart, the problem was all three of them were grounded and weren’t allowed to go out until the next week. Mrs. Jones wanted to find out who had broken the rules and she called the boys and asked how they’d spent the day
Park the artist said, in the evening I was outside drawing.
Jimmy the musician said I spent all day inside writing a new song.
Richard who likes sports said I did a workout and spent the rest of the day reading.
Mrs. Jones understood which of her sons was lying and grounded him for another month.
who’s the liar and how did she know?

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In the above riddle, Park lied he said he had been drawing outside but it was raining
Suspicious bag?
Daniel is in charge of security at the city airport. Today, he got a call from someone unknown. there will be a terrorist on the flight to New York. He has a substance in his bag that he made himself that is ten times stronger than trotyl. Where can we find him? The scanner won’t be able to identify this substance! Daniel checks each passenger’s bag carefully on the flight scanner. Where is the dangerous substance?

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In the above riddle, this cell phone has nothing inside except the button. all the other gadgets have inside chips.
Who stole jewelry?
once on a cold winter night, someone stole jewelry from a famous singer’s house. the thief didn’t manage to run far away because a police car was passing by. the burglar hid the bag with the jewelry in the snow and disappeared into the crowd. police managed to catch two suspects, look at them and try to guess who robbed the singer?

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In the above riddle, if you dig snow with your bare hands they will turn red this man has red fingers and palms but that woman could dig snow wearing a pair of gloves so she could be the thief too but she wouldn’t be able to run in such high heels.
Who damaged mirror?
Harry received a motorcycle for his birthday, something he had been dreaming about for a very long time. The next morning, he rode his bike to college and left it in the parking lot. During lunch, Harry decided to check on his motorcycle, and to his surprise, he saw that the mirrors had been damaged. Harry was informed by the security guard that only three people had left his building that afternoon: his two best friends, Kevin and Ben, and Gwen, the girl who had once shown interest in him but was rejected. Kevin said he and Ben had gone to the campus cafe for lunch, and Sam confirmed this. He then said that Gwen might have damaged the bike as retaliation, but Gwen countered that her mother had visited and they had spent two hours together, so who was lying?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, Kevin has a paper bag with food delivery written on it, which means the guys ordered their lunch not bought it in the cafe, they broke Harry’s mirrors and tried to frame Gwen
Also read: Rapid Puzzles: Think Fast