The Power of Story Puzzles
Story puzzles are interactive parts of media like books, movies, and video games that are meant to get people thinking and fixing problems to move the story along. They move the story along, open up new areas, or show important information in video games, so players have to think critically and pay attention. They can be part of the story in books and movies, leading readers or watchers to piece together clues to solve mysteries or figure out what characters are trying to do.
These puzzles keep people interested by getting them to actively join in the story as it unfolds, which gives it more depth and immersion. Overall, story problems make reading and thinking more fun by testing your mind and creativity.
Table of Contents
Is old guy a thief?
Joseph was walking along the river when he heard screams. It was a young woman who was drowning. The man dropped his jacket and backpack and jumped into the water, just in time. When Joseph pulled the woman out of the water, he saw a bystander standing next to his stuff. Bystander says, “Unfortunately I can’t swim but I looked after your things,” Joseph says: “Then why did you search my backpack?” How did Joseph know someone had opened his bag?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, when he dropped the bag on the ground the Zipper was on the left side but now it’s on the right side.
Vase theft real?
Many beautiful, rare vases were on display in Mr. Smith’s store. One day, the man called the police, and when they got there, the store was a mess. Mr. Smith says Some guys in masks ran into my store, took the money and the most expensive vases, and hit me on the head so hard I passed out,” police officers immediately understood that Mr Smith was lying to get the insurance money how did they figure it out?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, even though most of the vases are on the floor they aren’t even cracked but if the vases had fallen down from the shelves during the robbery they would have been shattered.
Find the thief?
Andrew and his wife have returned home from the market when they come back they see that the entire kitchen is scattered and the gold is also stolen, They immediately call the police. Police start the investigation and ask that did anyone knew about the gold, Andrew says some of my friends knew.
police call his friends and investigate and ask where were they when the robbery occurred.
Friend 1 says: I went to the market with my family, i don’t know anything about the robbery
Friend 2 says: I was working at the office, it’s sad that gold was stolen from my friend’s house.
friend 3 says: Sir, I was sleeping at home. After listening to the alibis, police catch the thief immediately. can you identify the thief?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, the Police did not tell any of Andrew’s friends that the gold had been stolen just said that Andrew’s house had been stolen how will “Friend 2” know that gold has been stolen it means he has committed theft police catch him.
Cross the river?
Luna and Sara go for a walk across an enchanted forest they reach the riverbank but the bridge is closed for repairs the sisters notice two dwarfs fishing in a boat near the bridge they agree to help the sisters but their boat is very tiny it can fit either one sister or two dwarves luckily they managed to solve this issue. Luna and Sara crossed the river on the same boat. how?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, one of the dwarfs brought his fellow on the opposite bank then he headed back for the Sisters alone Sara got into the boat and crossed the river she gave the second dwarf the boat and he returned to the opposite Bank he picked his fellow dwarf and brought him to Sara then one of the dwarfs swam to luna and passed the boat to her she crossed the river and join Sara and finally the second dwarf returned to his fellow
Face wash mystery?
Ana and her sister Rose explore an old Attic in their parent’s house. It’s very dark and dirty, after that they go downstairs to have some lunch. Rose’s face is all covered with dust while Ana’s face is super clean, but still only Ana goes to the bathroom to wash her face. why?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, Ana noticed that her sister’s face was dirty so she thought her face must be dirty too as for Rose she saw that Ana’s face was clean and assumed that her own face was clean too after.
Why he didn’t stop him?
A cab driver Bobby was moving in the wrong direction on a one-way road a police officer was standing nearby and noticed the driver but he didn’t stop or find Bobby why?

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Answer and Explanation
In the above riddle, because Bobby was going on foot we’ve never mentioned that the cab driver was driving the cab.
Also read: Quick Puzzles: A Brief Mental Challenge